This bootcamp/workshop will be held physically at the University of Bonn, Germany, and virtually on Monday, March 20, 2023 and is associated with the Digital Forensic Research Conference Europe (DFRWS EU), an academic conference in the area of digital forensic science which begins on March 21 and en...
At the international conference DFRWS APAC 2022, Jan Gruber, Lena Voigt, Zinaida Benenson and Felix Freiling received the Best Student Paper Award for their article titled "Foundations of Cybercriminalistics". The paper addresses the question of improving cybercrime investigations by bridging the ga...
The third Cybercrime Workshop of RTG 2475 was held from September 26-30, 2022 at Forschungscampus Waischenfeld. The workshop featured an introduction of the funded researchers from the second cohort of the RTG as well as a team exercise to analyze a complex hard disk with limited time. Results were ...
Am 15.9.2022 fand der 6. Erlanger Cybercrime Tag in der Schlossaula in Erlangen statt. Auf der vom Lehrstuhl von Professor Christoph Safferling organisierten Veranstaltung referierten namhafte Sprecher zum Thema "KI in der Strafverfolgung". Zu den Referenten gehörte mit Benedikt Lorch auch erstmals ...
Gesellschaftliches Leben und Arbeiten findet zunehmend digital statt, sodass die Bedeutung der Inneren Sicherheit im Digitalen wächst. Diese anhaltende Entwicklung verschärft ein Spannungsfeld von (grund-)rechtlichen Verpflichtungen zum Schutz der Vertraulichkeit und Integrität der IT-Systeme der Bü...
A panel of international experts (f.l.t.r. Christopher Hargreaves, Marie-Helen Maras, Christoph Safferling and Simson Garfinkel) participated as "judges" in the Mock Trial at the International Summer School on Cybercrime and Forensic Computing held in Nürnberg between June 7 and 10, 2022. In the env...
Thanks to the efforts of Jana Kuhlmann, Christoph Safferling and Ursula Auer, the RTG now has a professionally designed logo that can be used on posters and in presentations associated with the research project. It exists in different formats, e.g. cymk for professional printing and rbg for websites...
The summer school on cybercrime and forensic computing will take place from June 7-June 10 2022 in Nürnberg. The summer school will be a one-week intensive course at the intersection of computer science and law. We are proud to present a list of high-profile speakers. More details on the program and...
This year’s traditional joint meeting of the German RTGs in Computer Science is jointly organized by RTG 2475 (Cybercrime and Forensic Computing) and RTG 2428 (CONVEY - Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems) . It will take place from June 12-15, 2022 as Dagstuhl Event 22243 in Schloss Da...
This bootcamp/workshop will be held physically at the University of Oxford, UK, and virtually on Monday, March 28, 2022 and is associated with the Digital Forensic Research Conference Europe (DFRWS EU), an academic conference in the area of digital forensic science which begins on March 29 and ends ...
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